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Preventing Attic Mold: A Handy Guide

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You may think that you don’t have to worry about mold in Utah, with its dry climate. But although we’re free of the issue of mold in most places, there are still places in the state where problems can arise. That’s because moisture is the biggest culprit for mold: even if you don’t live in a humid environment, mold can still grow if there is moisture there. 

Worse still, such environments can also be a breeding ground for COVID-19, requiring a coronavirus cleanup sooner rather than later.

And although not all molds are toxic, they can be dangerous to your health. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Here’s some advice for preventing mold growth in your attic or for getting rid of it if it does grow.

How to Prevent Attic Moisture and Mold

  • If you notice water leaking from a roof or inside the walls, act quickly. Damp areas should be dried within 48 hours if possible. 
  • Ensure the ground slopes away from the building foundation so that water does not collect around its base. 
  • Ensure the air conditioning drip pans are clean and that the drain lines are not obstructed. 
  • Keep the humidity low inside; ideally, it should be between 30 and 50 percent relative humidity. You can read relative humidity using a small, inexpensive ($10–$50) instrument available at many hardware stores. 
  • If you notice condensation or moisture on windows or walls, act quickly to dry the area and remove any moisture/water source.

These tips prevent mold from turning into a recurring problem, avoid the pandemic’s potential spread in your home, and require a coronavirus cleanup.

How to Reduce Humidity

Since moisture and humidity significantly contribute to mold production, there are some actions you can take to lessen these and ultimately hinder mold growth:

  • Use air conditioners, dehumidifiers, or other methods of controlling heat and humidity. Set temperatures dry up moisture quicker than room temperature.
  • Turn on the bathroom fan when showering to speed up the drying process.
  • Use exhaust fans to remove the moisture from the kitchen and bathroom. When cooking or running a dishwasher, run a fan or a window air conditioner (if possible).

To Prevent Condensation

Condensation contributes to mold growth since it converts gasses into the liquid phase. To prevent this, follow these steps:

  • Reduce the humidity. This can be accomplished by using air conditioners and dehumidifiers or by turning up the heat in your home. 
  • Ventilate your home as much as possible with fans and air vents. Use insulation around cold appliances such as pipes. This increase in airflow also reduces the need for a potential coronavirus cleanup.
  • Cover these objects with plastic to keep them from cooling down your home and condensing water on them.

The Unseen Enemy: Hidden Mold

Hidden mold is not visible, but it is still detectable through the sense of smell. A moldy area or furnishing gives off a stuffy, dank scent. Mold can conceal itself from sight by growing behind drywall, under wallpaper or paneling, or behind ceiling tiles. It can also be hidden in places such as around pipes with leaking or condensing pipes, under carpets and pads, in-wall space near furniture where condensation forms, inside ductwork, and roofing materials above ceiling tiles.

When dealing with this unseen enemy, it is best to seek the help of experts.

In Conclusion

To sum things up, Utah is not as safe from the effects of the global pandemic as we would like to think. Although the climate is not optimal for mold growth, there are still cases in the state. Our homes, businesses, and public places are the perfect breeding grounds for this dangerous fungus to grow. Protect them by preventing moisture, humidity, and condensation at all costs to reduce mold attacks.

But if you’ve got unseen mold lurking beneath your walls and floors, contact the experts at AAA Restoration Utah right away! We are committed to helping our customers get their lives back to normal as quickly and efficiently as possible, even with a coronavirus cleanup

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