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September is National Preparedness Month—What to Know

aerial view of houses

Although disasters or emergencies often happen when we least expect them to, it’s always a good idea to be prepared when these events strike. That’s why every September, homes, businesses, and communities celebrate National Preparedness Month in the hopes to encourage individuals to prepare for such disasters. 

During this time — from homeowners to business owners — use this time to find different methods to learn more about how to prepare for disasters and ways to minimize risks to their health and the environment. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to help reduce these hazards, and we’re here to share with you some ways and ideas to prepare for accidents like contamination, spills, leaks, and other dangers.

But if for some reason you couldn’t prevent a certain hazard, it’s best to call professional restoration services to ensure the problems get contained and addressed right away. 

How Do I Report Emergencies?

  • One of the easiest things to do is to call 911 when you or someone is in immediate danger, such as an injury, trouble breathing, or is left unconscious.
  • If you’re experiencing chemical, oil, or hazardous substance release or spills, it’s best to call the National Response Center at 800-424-8802.
  • For pesticide poisoning, call Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222.

After the chaos, it’s best to restore your property to its former glory and ensure the space is safe. For this reason, you should call a professional restoration company to help manage what the disaster has left in your space. This way, any replacements and repairs that need to be done will be identified, minimizing the risk of other problems in the future. 

How Can Individuals and Homeowners Prepare?

  • Ensure that your generator is away from vents, doors, and windows to prevent carbon monoxide (CO) from seeping into your space. When left to linger and build up, this gas can lead to fatal results.
  • Since disasters often strike when we least expect it, make sure you have at least three days of drinking water supply per person, even your pets.
  • If your property is part of a septic system, it’s best to have a water damage restoration company inspect your space for any structural and health issues.
  • For structural issues after a disaster, contractors should examine your space to ensure your home is stable and safe to occupy. 

How Can Communities Prepare?

When disaster strikes a community, it can end in complete chaos; that’s why it’s best to plan so they can handle larger forms of disasters, such as destroyed structures, insufficient supplies, larger green waste, and more. 

Ensure to have your disposal system in check to avoid any disposal problems that could wreak havoc in a community. These disposal issues can contaminate the air, land, water, and food in the area, which could lead to health and environmental threats.

How Can Public Areas Prepare?

The best way for schools, businesses, and other facilities to prepare for disasters is by patterning preparation based on the seasons. During the rainy season, it’s best to thoroughly inspect your water system to prevent any major water damages. And once you’re stepping out of the wet season, ensure you have a mold cleanup.

Calling a disaster cleanup team is best since they’ll know what to inspect and focus on to ensure that your space is safe for people to be in. 

The Bottom Line: Being Prepared is the Best Way to Mitigate Huge Dangers

As mentioned earlier, disasters can happen when we least expect them. Although we can’t dodge some issues completely, being prepared can always do you more good than harm. If, by any chance, your space has endured a disaster, it’s best to call a disaster cleanup team to help examine your space and bring it back to its former glory. 

How Can AAA Restoration Help You?

Seeing as post-disaster situations can be overwhelming, there is a mountain of things to consider. It’s a good idea to have disaster cleanup companies in Utah handle the job — that’s where we come in. 

AAA Restoration provides a plethora of restoration services, such as mold removal, water damage, fire cleanup, odor cleaning, COVID cleanup, and more. 

Since we’re available to help 24/7, we can help you when disaster strikes. Call us anytime at (801) 263-9990!