5 Tips to Prevent Basement Flooding – Our Guide

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5 Tips to Prevent Basement Flooding – Our Guide

Basement Flooding Restoration AAA Utah

Creating a basement level in a house is a great way to maximize your square footage. Basements can serve as extra bedrooms, additional storage, or even as entertainment areas. However, you may be prone to basement flooding if you live in a residential area that receives heavy rainfall throughout the year. Even light showers and drizzles are enough to make you nervous about your basement filling up with water. Flood damage repair can be very costly. Aside from destroying your house, water can ruin appliances, furniture, and other valuables that may be very expensive or difficult to replace.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent basement flooding damage. Here are a few preventive steps you can do on your own:

1. Keep your gutters clean

Gutters around your house are meant to protect your roofing and redirect water away from your home. If they are blocked or damaged, it may interfere with their ability to ferry water safely away from your building. Clear debris and fallen leaves from the gutter ways and check to see that they are sloping downward correctly. They should lead water at least six feet away from the exterior of your house and down the slope of your yard. After all this, you may get basement flooding if not cared for.

2. Install a sump pump

A sump pump is a submersible type of water pump that you can install in your basement. If you experience basement flooding, the sump will remove the accumulated water. It can lead the flow down through the drainage system of your house and out to a storm drain or well.

3. Seal openings and cracks

You should inspect the exterior walls of your home often for cracks or holes. Openings in the exterior can allow pests to come in. More importantly, they can allow water to seep in as well casuing basement flooding. Make sure to plug up any holes in the walls and apply a sealant to the edges of your windows to keep water out. This will avoid basement flooding.

4. Add greenery and use porous pavement materials

One way to lessen the chance of water entering your home is to let your yard absorb most of it when it rains. Grassy areas and green beds can absorb a lot of rainwater and keep it away from your house. You can also use porous material like hollow concrete blocks, grass pavers, or gravel in your yard to line your pathways while still allowing water to be absorbed by the ground beneath.

5. Have your drainage system inspected regularly

If you want to have peace of mind when it comes to minimizing your risk of flood, call a flood restoration expert who can conduct twice-yearly inspections on your property. The crucial times to have your house checked are before the rainy season and before winter starts. Flood control professionals may be able to spot compromised areas or possible risk factors that you might have missed.

There are many reasons you may fall victim to flood, whether from rainwater, a burst pipe, or even an unexpected rise in temperatures causing snow to melt. The prudent thing to do is take steps to protect yourself and your house from severe injury and damage. Don’t wait until you experience basement flooding and start preventive measures today.

Do you need more expert advice from experienced flood damage professionals in Utah? We provide a wide range of services that can address water damage quickly and efficiently. Contact us and see how we can help you protect your home.