Mold Inside Walls: Top Signs and Tips on Dealing With It

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Mold Inside Walls: Top Signs and Tips on Dealing With It


Are you tired of dealing with molds inside the walls of your home? It’s okay because you’re not the only one struggling with that. Whether it has rained in your area or your walls are always exposed to humidity, mold spores are everywhere, and they are looking for moisture to start growing.

It can be a serious problem if you have mold in your home. Mold inspection companies often warn homeowners that mold can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and even death. Moreover, it can cause damage to your home.

Common Signs of Mold Inside Walls

Most of the time, mold doesn’t cause much trouble. However, it can be extensive, especially if you let it grow in your home. This is because some mold species produce mycotoxin, a substance responsible for causing serious health problems. Here are some typical warning indicators to watch out for if you think your house may have mold growth:

  • Musty Odor – Mold doesn’t have a pleasant smell. It smells like rotting wood or wet clothes.
  • Water Stains – Another indication is water stains on the ceiling or walls. If you see water stains, mold is likely growing behind the wall or ceiling.
  • Peeling Paint – Most of the time, mold will cause paint to peel off the walls or ceiling. If you see paint peeling off, it’s a sign that you have a mold problem.
  • Discolored Walls – Mold can also cause walls to discolor. If you see black, green, or brown stains on the walls, it’s a sign of mold growth.
  • Allergy Symptoms – If you experience allergy manifestations like coughing, sneezing, and watery eyes, it’s a sign that mold is growing in your home.
  • Condensation – Mold loves moisture, so if you see condensation on the walls or ceiling, it’s a good idea to check for mold.

Calling a mold inspection company is smart if you see any of these indicators. They will be able to test for the substance and remove it to ensure the safety of your home!

Is Mold Inside Walls Dangerous?

The answer depends on the type of mold found inside the walls. After all, molds have different toxicity levels and can cause serious respiratory problems, while others can cause skin irritation or other allergic reactions.

For instance, black mold, also known as stachybotrys, is the most dangerous type. It produces toxins that can cause respiratory problems and other health issues. However, it’s important to note that not all black molds are toxic. The only way to tell if the black mold is poisonous or not is to have it tested by a professional mold inspection company, such as the experts at AAA Restoration Utah!

Why Hire a Mold Inspection Company

The only safe way to determine if the mold is toxic is to have it tested by a professional mold inspection company. There are several reasons why you should consider hiring one instead of trying to do it yourself:

  • They have the equipment needed to test for mold properly.
  • They have the experience to properly identify the different types of molds and their toxicity levels.
  • They can provide you with a report explaining their inspection results and what to do next.

Final Thoughts

Mold inside walls can be a serious problem. If you suspect a mold problem, it is important to take action quickly. There are several methods for handling mold, but the most important thing is to find the source of the problem and fix it. With a little effort, you can get rid of mold inside your walls and keep your home healthy and safe.

AAA Restoration Utah is a reliable and high-quality mold inspection company in Utah that helps determine the cause of mold in your home and provides solutions to remove them. Get in touch with us today!