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A Homebuyer’s Definitive Guide to Dealing with Asbestos


Having your own home is highly beneficial because you have a place where you can kick back and relax. Of course, finding the perfect home will take time, but the effort will be worth it. Unfortunately, not everyone has the luxury of choosing, and a prospective homebuyer may purchase an older home instead.

While there’s nothing wrong with living in an older home, many of them, especially those made before the 80s, pose a significant health risk because they contained harmful chemicals when they were made. A perfect example is asbestos, which is used for insulation, flooring, and roofing. Since many of these homes are still around, asbestos must be removed to ensure a safe environment. Despite this, many people don’t realize they’re affected by asbestos until it’s too late. For this reason, we’ll guide you on how to eliminate asbestos in your home in this article.

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral primarily used in building materials since the 1800s. It has been used for insulation, soundproofing, flooring, roofing, and other home materials. Due to its resistance to heat, electricity, and chemical damage, asbestos has long been used in many industries.

In a home, you can usually find asbestos in the following areas:

  • Ceiling and floor tiles
  • Insulation
  • Cement siding
  • Stovetop pads
  • Patching and joint compounds used on walls and ceilings
  • Pipe and duct insulation
  • Wiring insulation
  • Heat-resistant fabrics
  • Soundproofing materials

While asbestos was banned in 1985, it’s worth noting that this is only for the blue (crocidolite) and brown (amosite) variants. On the other hand, white asbestos (chrysotile) was not entirely banned until 1999.

The Health Risks of Asbestos

Asbestos fibers are incredibly tiny and are a known carcinogen. If exposed to or inhaled, it can become stuck in the lungs and cause lung cancer. Asbestos fibers can also cause mesothelioma, rare cancer affecting the lungs, abdomen, and heart lining. The most common health problems that can arise from asbestos exposure include:

  • Lung cancer
  • Mesothelioma
  • Asbestosis

The symptoms of these conditions may not show up for anywhere between 10 and 50 years after exposure. For example, the average time between asbestos exposure and the onset of mesothelioma is around 43 years, which is more than half of the average person’s lifetime.

Asbestos Removal

If you suspect asbestos, you should contact a professional to have the material removed because it’s the only safe way to remove it. Some professionals may also recommend sealing the asbestos with a special coating to prevent exposure. When asbestos is removed, the removal process can create dust and fibers that workers and residents can inhale. Therefore, the removal process must be done by a professional with the necessary safety gear and knowledge of safety precautions to prevent exposure.

Of course, you must consider the following:


Because asbestos is highly toxic, you must hire a professional with experience removing it. You should also make sure the professional has the necessary safety equipment and knows how to use it properly.

License and Permits

While no federal laws require a license to remove asbestos, some states have regulations. For example, you need a permit to remove asbestos from a residential property in New Jersey. If you live in another state, check with your local government to see if a license is required.


Above all else, the price of asbestos removal will be your biggest concern. While it may cost you, nothing costs more than your family’s safety.

Treating Asbestos Exposure

Unfortunately, there is no cure for asbestos exposure. However, the condition can be managed in several ways, such as medication, chemotherapy, and oxygen therapy. Beyond that, exercises and relaxation techniques can help you cope with the condition. As long as you’re consistent, your quality of life will improve.


Asbestos is a hazardous material. If you think you may have been exposed to it, you should seek medical help immediately. Otherwise, you should take steps to get it out of your home to guarantee your family’s safety.

AAA Restoration Utah provides top-quality services for Utah asbestos removal. We understand the safety risks associated with homes, so we provide solutions to ensure you and your family can live comfortably. Call (801) 263-9990 today to schedule an appointment!